"All student who took BHM 3046, Law For Engineers are require to resit the paper due to leaking of paper's question in melaka campus. The exam will be held at sunday. Sorry for inconvenient. -MD.FAZLUL KARIM"
Think bout that, a final exam that everyone put their full effort on, even some of them might needed to burn the mid night oil, is become null and need to retake, just because some faggot who get the leaked tips.
Im taking Law for Engineers as well.But for me, when I saw the message myself, I lol'ed. our subject code is BHM 3086, not 3046 . . . it's really really funny if our Lecturer do made such a stupid mistake. Although he had made one before. Somehow i would skeptic about how true is the message. . .
Seriously, it's not too bad to have a re-sit, ( since i didnt study well lol) . and yea, they got the tips and i dont have D: ,those who get the tips and didnt give it to me , lol, they deserve it :D . . .
too bad,
really bad,
really really bad,
as i expected,
it's a scam D:
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